This template extracts the entries in a YouTube Playlist and outputs them in a URL list. This can be useful for allowing specific YouTube videos, while blocking all others.
It is available here.
You will need a YouTube Data API v3 key (available for free).
Configuration Steps
Getting your YouTube Data API v3 key
** The screenshots in these instructions could differ from what you see as Google updates their interface.
- Navigate to
- Select an existing project or create a new project
- Click on the project dropdown selector in the upper left corner
- Select your project or click NEW PROJECT
- Click on the project dropdown selector in the upper left corner
- Navigate to APIs & Services -> Library and search for YouTube Data API.
- Select the YouTube Data API v3
- Enable the API
- Then click on the Credentials Tab -> Create Credentials -> API Key
- Copy your API key for use in configure the template
- Your API key is unrestricted, to restrict it just for YouTube API. To restrict it, Edit the API key
- Select Restrict Key
- Select the YouTube Data API v3
Getting the YouTube Playlist ID
- Navigate to the to the YouTube Playlist in your browser
- Look at the URL in the address bar
Here's an example
Look for the "list=" marker. Everything after is the playlist ID
Playlist ID: PLD6FJ8WNiIqXD7M7LhIMKROQjyyt1goP2
Configuring the EDL Manager Source
- Clone the YouTube - Playlists source from the templates
- Add the API Key and Playlist ID as Additional Data
- Enter the data in JSON format:
- {"api_key": "value1","playlistId": "value2"}
- Click Update
- Click Request Repoll of Source to update the data