This template extracts the entries in a YouTube Playlist and outputs them in a URL list.  This can be useful for allowing specific YouTube videos, while blocking all others.

It is available here.

You will need a YouTube Data API v3 key (available for free).

Configuration Steps

  1. Get YouTube Data API v3 key
  2. Get YouTube Playlist ID 
  3. Configure EDL Manager source 

Getting your YouTube Data API v3 key

** The screenshots in these instructions could differ from what you see as Google updates their interface.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Select an existing project or create a new project
    • Click on the project dropdown selector in the upper left corner
    • Select your project or click NEW PROJECT
  3. Navigate to APIs & Services -> Library and search for YouTube Data API.
  4. Select the YouTube Data API v3
  5. Enable the API
  6. Then click on the Credentials Tab -> Create Credentials -> API Key
  7. Copy your API key for use in configure the template
  8. Your API key is unrestricted, to restrict it just for YouTube API.  To restrict it, Edit the API key
    1. Select Restrict Key
    2. Select the YouTube Data API v3

Getting the YouTube Playlist ID

  1. Navigate to the to the YouTube Playlist in your browser
  2. Look at the URL in the address bar

Here's an example    


Look for the "list=" marker. Everything after is the playlist ID

Playlist ID: PLD6FJ8WNiIqXD7M7LhIMKROQjyyt1goP2 

Configuring the EDL Manager Source

  1. Clone the YouTube - Playlists source from the templates
  2. Add the API Key and Playlist ID as Additional Data
    1. Enter the data in JSON format:
      • {"api_key": "value1","playlistId": "value2"}
  3. Click Update 
  4. Click Request Repoll of Source to update the data